Air Curtains at Exchequer Court

JS Air Curtains has installed two vertically mounted stainless steel Rund air curtains at Exchequer Court, a multi-story office block in St Mary Axe, London. The air curtains are keeping the draughts out and providing the main heating source within the large, open atrium of the reception area.

The high ceiling of the atrium and the large revolving entrance door prohibited the use of air curtains suspended from the ceiling and demanded a high heating output to counteract the cold airflow. The heating capacity of the Rund air curtain, coupled with its capability to be mounted vertically, made it an ideal choice for Exchequer Court.

Building manager, John Evans, commented: “The massive cubic space of our entrance atrium was proving a challenge to heat because the revolving doors were acting as a huge fan, bringing in cold air with every turn. The Rund air curtains, positioned vertically either side of the doorway, are able to cope with this, keeping out the draught and providing sufficient heating for our reception staff. We have had no complaints of cold over the winter season and have been able to maintain a low heat output setting.”

The Rund air curtain has an attractive cylindrical design and is available in five lengths from 1m to 3m with a variety of control options including thermostats, door open sensors, outside temperature sensors and timers. It can be electrically heated or water heated, with outputs ranging from 3-36kW, or supplied as an air only model.

Powerful double-inlet centrifugal fans provide up to 7,400m³/h of airflow, whilst being remarkably quiet in operation. This output makes the air curtain suitable for use on doorways up to 3.5m high or 7m wide when used vertically at either side.

The Rund air curtain can be fitted with many different mounting or suspension options to tie-in with an entrance’s architecture. The units can be mounted on round goal post-like supports that can stand across an entrance or shorter arms that attach it to a wall or ceiling. It can be hung with chains or poles or stood vertically at the side of the doorway, as it was at Exchequer Court.

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Office air curtain

Vertical stainless steel air curtain

Exchequer Court air curtain

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